
Ozone gas, in nature, is formed when ultraviolet rays of the sun break the oxygen in the atmosphere down to ozone molecules. It is technologically possible to create ozone from the air that we breathe or from pure oxygen by discharging electrons.

The disinfecting quality of ozone gas is 3125 times more efficient than chlorine under the same conditions. It is also more effective against spores, cysts, and viruses.

Moreover, since it is obtained by breaking down the oxygen, ozone always converts back into it after disinfection due to its unstable nature. The fact that ozone gas is the only disinfectant not leaving any particle or residue behind after disinfection makes it preferable to other disinfectants especially in alimentary industry.

Being a gas with high oxidation rate, ozone has being used widespread ever-increasingly in the last years. The fact that it is a natural disinfectant makes ozone utilized securely in many different fields.

What are the areas of use of ozone gas?

  • Water disinfection
  • Alimentary industry
  • Cold storage
  • Odor removal
  • Swimming pools
  • Decolorization
  • Waste water treatment
  • Elimination of ammonium nitrate
  • Deferrization and demanganesation
  • Pesticide removal
  • Ambient air disinfection